Tag Archives: province Groningen

New virtual exhibitions

The Virtual Van Diepen Museum


On these special pages you can view two new exhibitions with artworks of the Jan Menze van Diepen Foundation in combination with interesting data.


Go along through the virtual rooms with the various beautiful objects from the collection.


Click on the picture and imagine yourself back in the museum.


1. A virtual exhibition with centuries-old Japanese ceramics.

Klik op de foto en stap binnen in de virtuele expositie.
Click on the photo and step inside the virtual exhibition.



2. A virtual exhibition with a combination of graphics by Riekele Prins, the City of Groningen and a selection of visual art from the collection.

Klik op de foto en stap binnen in de virtuele expositie.
Click on the photo and enter the virtual exhibition.


Reinder Homan etcher by nature

Exhibition Koetshuis Fraeylemaborg, Slochteren

30 september 2017 t/m 18 maart 2018


One of the most famous etchers in the Netherlands, Reinder Homan, exhibits in the Koetshuis at the Fraeylemaborg. Ten works come from the collection of Jan Menze van Diepen.


Reinder Homan (Smilde, 1950) was captivated by this versatile and complicated technique during his studies at the Groningen Academy Minerva.

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Topografic highlights



Selection from the fine arts collection

First catalogue about the collection of the Jan Menze van Diepen Stichting.

boek beeldende kunst

In this catalogue 60 works, made by 30 artists, get special attention. This selection shows the versatile interests of Van Diepen for the fine arts of his time. The many coloured illustrations present paintings and water-colours, but also graphic art is ample represented.

The selection was made by Mrs. Drs. H. van Harten-Boers, curator of the Fraeylemaborg in Slochteren.

Author: Drs. H. van Harten-Boers

Isbn.nr: 90 805793 1 9

Number of pages: 96

Price soft cover version: € 10,=

Available at:  De Fraeylemaborg in Slochteren.

Selection from the Collection Topographic Maps and Prints

This publication, the third in the series “Selections from the collection of Jan Menze van Diepen Foundation” is dedicated to the topographic maps and prints.

boek topografie

Collector Van Diepen, acquired 586 maps and prints, mainly of the province and the city of Groningen as their subject.

In addition, he collected fortress maps, charts and maps of the Wadden Sea, and of the Seven (or Seventeen) provinces. Also fascinating are the prints of historic sites in Groningen.

Over one hundred interesting and sometimes rare specimens in this catalog are shown and described.

The selection was made by Drs. Henny van Harten-Boers, curator of Jan Menze van Diepen collection and also of the Estate Fraeylemaborg.

Author: Drs. H. van Harten-Boers

Isbn.nr: 978 90 8057 93 3 0

Pages: 160

Price softcover version, € 24.95

Order at  Fraeylemaborg in Slochteren.



For centuries the province Groningen is planned out in detail. Sometimes as a province alone, quite often as part of a larger area with among others Friesland, Drenthe and Ost-Friesland.



Especially from the prime time of the Dutch cartography, the 17th century nice maps of Groningen are present. In the 18th century there was still a remarkable large production of maps, but the quality was sometimes lower. But also from this period interesting province maps are saved.


kaart Groningen
These maps are interesting because of their topographic data, but also because of their attractive decorations and ornaments. Sometimes they are real works of art that already in their period of creation were bought by collectors. The colouring of the printed maps was a special trade: a “afzetter” (map-colourer) who understood his business, could make a map substantial more valuable.

In this exhibition 30 decorative maps of the province Groningen can be seen. Also some old street maps of the city Groningen are added.

All maps were collected by Jan Menze van Diepen (1905-1994), who brought together an unique collection from this area.


Necessary space

Volume of the exhibition: 30 frames (about 25 meter wall space)

3 vitrines with a surface of about 120 x 80 cm.

In consultation the size of the exhibition can be adapted to the available space.

Requirements climate and safety:

The loans may be exhibited solely in a space that meets minimal rules of air conditioning and safety. Also the lighting must be well-considered.



The costs of transport are for the loan-taker.

The works of art will be presented framed and wrapped in air-cushion foil.



The loan taker takes care of an all-risks insurance for transport and stay of the works of art.

A list of insurance values will be provided by the Jan Menze van Diepen Stichting.



Together with the works of art text-cards with explanation are given.

Two general text boards as an introduction on the theme of the exhibition are delivered in a frame.

Selection from the fine arts collection

First catalogue about the collection of the Jan Menze van Diepen Stichting.

boek beeldende kunst

In this catalogue 60 works, made by 30 artists, get special attention. This selection shows the versatile interests of Van Diepen for the fine arts of his time. The many colour illustrations present paintings and water-colours, but also graphic art is ample represented.

The selection was made by Mrs. Drs. H. van Harten-Boers, curator of the Fraeylemaborg in Slochteren.

Author: Drs. H. van Harten-Boers

Isbn.nr: 90 805793 1 9

Number of pages: 96

Price soft cover version: € 10,=

Available at Fraeylemaborg in Slochteren.

Chinese Porcelain in Green Enamels

Groninger Museum

03 juli 2011 tot 20 mei 2012

The exhibition Famille Verte is about a very special kind of Chinese porcelain. Simply put, famille verte (c.1680-1725) wares are extraordinarily fine and beautiful objects. The colourful decorations of flowers, butterflies, mythical animals or Chinese figural scenes are rendered in painstaking detail. In the West, this porcelain with its strange and exotic subjects ranked among the best available and was coveted by the wealthy. The more than 120 objects in the exhibition have a big variety in shape an decoration.

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Fine Arts

The Fine Arts collection includes more than 700 objects such as paintings, etchings, drawings and watercolors.

A large part of this is was made by Groninger artists, or has a relationship with Groningen.


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Jan Menze van Diepen Stichting

Hoofdweg 30, 9621 AL Slochteren

Telefoon; +31 (0)598 422316

Naam Positie Telefoon Woonplaats Provincie Land
Jan Menze van Diepen Stichting 0598 422316 Slochteren Groningen NL
Mrs. drs. H. van Harten curator 0598 422316 06 45052937 Slochteren Groningen NL
Mr. H.L.F. Siemensma registrator/ webmaster 0598 422316 Slochteren Groningen NL


In a period of over 50 years , Jan Menze van Diepen brought together a very extensive and varied collection.

The entire collection of nearly 10.000 objects can be divided into five main sub-collections:

1. Asian ceramics and glass ( approximately 2800 objects).




2. Oranje-Nassau prints (approximately 2600 objects).


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3. Oranje-Nassau ceramics (approximately 1000 objects).


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4. Visual arts (mainly Groninger artists (about 700 objects).


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5. Topographic maps and prints of the province of Groningen (about 600 objects).


You can also search in a part of our database for specific objects with the details of these objects.